Jayvanti live in Melaghat with her family. Her parents are agricultural labourers. While they own two acres of land, they also work at farms owned by others. Life was never easy for Jayvanti and her family. To contribute to the meager family income, Jayvanti had to drop out of school in the 7th grade and start working with her family in farm. Her figures in the attendance register at school were pitiful as earning money was a priority clearly set by the family members.
When her story reached Apesha, we intervened by creating means and opportunities for Jayvanti to get back to school. Making the most of this second chance, the girl connected with local children’s groups and quickly adapted to school life again. However, with the 100% enrolment drives, counseling sessions and community awareness drives as part of the initiative; children like Jayavanti are coming back to the schools.

“I am extremely happy for continuing my education, Thanks Apeksha for helped me to prevent become out of school. Today, I’m chasing my dream of becoming a Teacher!”